Phantom Sweet Cigarettes: 15 Facts You Need to Know

Phantom Sweet Cigarettes


As a kid in the 90s, nothing impressed me more than Phantom and Phantom Sweet Cigarettes. Just like the superhero, with his distinctive purple costume and mysterious persona, these candies caught our fancy with their delectable taste and resemblance to the real thing. Rather, they were our ticket to adulthood. If Phantom was “The Man Who Cannot Die,” these candies, too, are destined to live forever in our memory. And, that’s despite their ills known to us. 

Phantom Sweet Cigarettes: 15 Facts to Know

Let’s cut through the nostalgia and dive into the top 15 facts about Harnik Phantom Sweet Cigarettes. Brace yourself – some facts might challenge their ‘harmless’ and ‘innocent indulgence’ image.” On the note that these sugary treats are candies, not toffee, let’s dive into the facts. As a side note, candy and toffee are two different things. Read More… 

1. What are Phantom Sweet Cigarettes?

Phantom Sweet Cigarettes are exactly what they mean, candies designed to resemble a cigarette. They mimic the real thing with an elongated white body and a reddish tinge tip to give out the illusion of a flame. With the “filter” missing, they were designed to resemble a filter-less cigarette, which was the norm in the 1970s. Produced by Harnik General Foods, these candies are sweet, chewy, and minty. They hold a nostalgic value, associated with childhood memories.

2. It’s a Vision of a Food Scientist:

You can trace the roots of this iconic cigarette candy to a food scientist, Mr. N.L. Hingorani. Driven by his passion for delicacies, he came up with Harnik General Foods in 1973. Harnik continues to manufacture and export instant food mixes, desserts, and confectionery items “with a focus on quality and mouthwatering goodness.” 

3. First Made-in-India Cigarette Candy:

Before Phantom came into the scene, candy cigarettes did exist. Mostly imported, pricey, and not readily available, they had paper rolled on each stick and tasted like chalk. Harnik created the first made-in-India cigarette candy, our beloved Phantom, in the mid-70s. Guess what? It tasted better and was cheaper – a perfect recipe for lasting success.  

4. The Phantom Connection:

Unlike Superman or Batman, Phantom clicked more with Indian kids. Phantom, “The Ghost Who Walks,” was washed ashore in the fictional African nation of Bangalla after a shipwreck. What hit home for Indian kids was the relatable name “Bangalla” and the Indian vibes in tigers, turbaned characters, and other visuals. The Phantom comic strip was a staple in India’s leading weekly, Illustrated Weekly of India, which also contributed to Phantom’s popularity. Harnik saw the chance to cash in on the character’s popularity and its desi connection, hence the name and logo. 

5. Phantom Sweet Cigarettes: Same Ingredients:

Harnik has stayed consistent with what it puts in Phantom Sweet Cigarettes. Plenty of sugar, coupled with Sugar Corn Syrup, Cornflour, Gelatin, Synthetic food colors (e-124, e-133), and flavoring goes into making the iconic taste that got us all hooked. After all, there’s no point in changing something that has worked like a charm over these years.

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6. Symphony of Taste, Texture & Flavors:

Loaded with sugar, Phantom Sweet Cigarettes are the sweetest thing around. However, the magic happens when the sweetness combines with a chewy texture from the gelatin and a burst of flavors from the synthetic food colors. The minty taste lingers on in the mouth to deliver that lasting aftertaste. It’s a journey through flavors and time.  

7. Yes, Phantom Sweet Cigarettes are Non-Veg!

In a country with well-defined dietary preferences, it’s crucial to address the question: Is Phantom Sweet Cigarettes non veg? Unfortunately, yes. These candies contain gelatin derived from animals, although the company stays mum on the specific source. As a side note, derived from cow or pig bones, gelatin is the thickening agent that helps shape these sugary treats. So, another crucial question, “Is phantom sweet cigarettes halal” remains unanswered.

8. They are as Versatile as it Gets:

Wondering how to eat Phantom Sweet Cigarettes? Well, suck or bite, it’s your call. Feast on it after meals, in between, or whenever sugar cravings strike, it’s up to you. Interestingly, it can also add a touch of nostalgia to your desserts. Even celebrity chef, Manish Mehrotra pairs them with ginger ice cream, cheeni ki roti, and marshmallows.

9. Some Use it as a Nonsmoking Aid:

I’ve come across cases, from online reviews to a real-life couple, where smokers turned to fake cigarettes for quitting. Pop one when the urge to light up hits. Does it work? Well, that’s still under research. Meanwhile, try curbing cravings with citrus fruits, vegetable sticks, and plenty of water. Better still, ask for professional help if the habit persists. 

10. Phantom Sweet Cigarettes for Instant Boost:

If you had these sweet cigarettes as a kid, you’ll know they give you a quick energy boost. Packed with 396 kcal of energy per 100-gram serving, these candies keep you energized while, of course, delighting your taste buds.   

11. Phantom Sweet Cigarettes Price? Cheap!

The Phantom cigarette’s appeal to cash-strapped kids was not just about taste and feeling grown-up. It was also about its price. What was INR 2 for a pack of ten sticks in the early 90s is now a manageable INR 10. Inflation? What’s that?

12. Where to buy Harnik Phantom Sweet Cigarettes?

With health awareness rising and an influx of branded candies, Phantom Sweet Cigarettes are vanishing from grocery shelves. Luckily, they’re still available on Amazon, Flipkart, Jiomart, and other online platforms. So, grab your gadget and shop freely. And don’t worry, hoarding them is perfectly legal in this case.

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13. Phantom Sweet Cigarette is Harmful:

These sugary treats contain 95g of sugar out of 98g of carbohydrates per 100g serving. So, don’t be surprised if the company spokesperson admits, “They’re not the safest things for those even on the brink of diabetes.” Like any candy packed with artificial flavors and sugar, these fake cigarettes can cause tooth decay, hyperactivity, obesity, and colon and rectal conditions in your little ones. So, moderation is recommended even if you aren’t diabetic.    

14. Sweet Cigarettes Hook Kids to Smoking:

Kids who mess around with these candy cigs are more likely to light up the real thing later in life. These innocent-looking candies desensitize kids about the dangers of smoking, making them more likely to get hooked on nicotine. And trust me, it’s not hearsay – research backs it up. Read More: Sweet Cigarettes: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

15. What People Say?

We scurried the internet to find what buyers have to say about Phantom Sweet Cigarettes. Sample a few reviews.   

1. “Brings back so many memories. I was kinda surprised though when I showed this to my mom she said back then she had also had them like crazy! She’s 45.” 

2. “It is the cigarette that we had in childhood and it has the same mint taste and a cricket card inside.” – Omkar Modak

3. “I’m not a 90s kid but I have tasted the Phantom cigarette and damn I love it.” – @hjr9743 

4. “Don’t eat this, guys, because galantine is made of cows and pigs” – @NishantKumar-sh3mr

5. “Minty and sweet but not that sweet. How can I explain the taste to you, it’s very hard.” – Soham

Phantom Sweet Cigarettes: An Overview

Brand Harnik Phantom Sweet Cigarette
Manufacturer Harnik General Foods Pvt. Ltd. 
Shape Stick Mimicking a lit, filterless cigarette 
Color White body with a red tip 
Country of Origin India
Flavor Mint
FSSAI Approved Yes
Shelf Life 18 Months
Ingredient Type Non-Veg
Allergen Information Allergen-Free
Storage Instructions Cool & dry place away from sunlight 

Phantom Sweet Cigarettes Ingredients:

Sugar Corn Syrup Cornflour
Gelatin (animal origin) Synthetic food colors (e-124, e-133) Added flavors

Nutrition Value Per 100g Serving:

Calories: 396 kcal Protein: 60g Fats: 0.14g Carbs: 98g Sugar: 95g

Customer Ratings:

Amazon: 3.9/5 Flipkart: 3.8/5 Jiomart: 4.5/5

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Phantom Sweet Cigarettes were all that a kid of the 90s desired. Guess what? Their lure still holds strong. On the bright side, they are affordable, easily accessible, and offer a nostalgic taste and a quick energy boost. On the downside, they come with health risks and might even prepare kids for nicotine dependence moving forward. Ultimately, the decision to indulge or avoid lies with you. And, for smoking initiation, as my dear friend and Phantom cigarette enthusiast puts it, “I have grown up playing with guns. And, I didn’t end up becoming a killer.”

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