Political Science Research Topics to Explore in 2024

Political Science Research Topics


Political Science research topics have a purpose to solve.

They take you closer to the government structures, political systems, processes, and behaviors, alongside governance, international relations, and policies.

At the end of it all, you will hone your reasoning abilities, problem-solving skills, and creativity. These are useful traits for personal and professional success.  

Better still, you even develop a lifelong love for learning and inquiry.  

Top Political Science Research Topics (2024)

Choosing the right political science project topics is half the battle won.

An engaging, relevant, and interesting topic supports learning and keeps you motivated. On the other hand, a wrong choice can cause more harm than good.

Breathe easy, as Worldlywiser provides thought-provoking topics, tips, reference links, and everything else needed for a well-rounded project.

1. Nationalism vs. Globalism: Shifting Trends in International Relations

Globalism and nationalism are two competing ideologies that together shape the contemporary geopolitical landscape. The former is all about nationalism while the latter proposes global interconnectedness. In recent years, the challenges of globalism have led to the rise of nationalistic movements across the globe.

The topic is relevant, offers plenty of scope for independent research, and is easy to pull off, making it one of the best political science research topics.


The political science project topic aims to:

  • Examine the Dynamics of Nationalism and Globalism
  • Identify Factors Influencing Political Choices
  • Assess Impacts on Policy Formation
  • Examine Public Perception and Opinion
  • Explore Economic and Social Consequences

Research Methods:

Literature Review Data Analysis Policy Analysis Case Studies
Surveys and Interviews Comparative Analysis Historical Analysis Ethnographic Research

Reference Links:

2. Relationship Between Economic Inequality and Political Stability

Economic inequality and political stability are strange companions.

Often, communities where the political system doesn’t function smoothly are breeding grounds for economic disparity, and vice versa. It is a worth researching topic that will allow you to uncover the complex relationship the two share.


The aim is to:

  • Analyze Feedback Loops and Causality
  • Assess How the Middle-Class Influences both
  • Learn how Economic Inequality Impacts Political Stability
  • Assess the Role of Institutions in Mediating the Relationship
  • Identify Factors Connecting Economic Inequality to Political Stability
  • Know how Globalization affects Economic Inequality and Political Stability

Research Methods:

Longitudinal Studies Data Analysis Policy Analysis Case Studies
Public Opinion Surveys Comparative Analysis Historical Analysis Cross-Country Comparative Analysis:

Reference Links:

3. Populism and Contemporary Democracies

Populism is all about appeasing the common folks who feel neglected by the established elite groups. While it seems an appealing idea, populism can undermine political systems and create anarchy in extreme cases.

Populism’s rise in contemporary democracies is one of the most relevant political science research topics. It’s an opportunity for you to explore the potential threats it throws up while also suggesting solutions to hedge against it.


In the project, you will:

  • Trace the Origin and Emergence of Populism
  • Analyze Populist Narratives and Messaging
  • Assess how populism Impacts Democratic Institutions
  • Dive into how Populism Influences Electoral Dynamics
  • Explore the Socioeconomic Factors linked to Populism
  • Evaluate Populist Policies on Governance and Public Services

Research Methods:

Historical Analysis Case Studies Policy Analysis & Impact Assessment Longitudinal Studies
Public Opinion Surveys Comparative Analysis Institutional and Media Analysis Interviews with Political Actors

Reference Links:

4. Human Rights Violations in Conflict Zones

It is easy to guess why conflict zones are breeding grounds for human rights violations. The ongoing conflicts in Ukraine, Palestine, and other regions globally make it one of the most relevant and enriching political science project ideas.


  • Examine Root Causes and Dynamics of Conflict
  • Explore Impacts on Civilians and Communities
  • How the world responds and intervenes to human right abuses
  • Comparative analysis of Human Rights Violations Across Conflict Zones

Research Methods:

Historical Analysis Comparative Case Studies Ethnographic Research Legal Cases & Tribunals 
Public Opinion Surveys Document & Report Analysis Institutional and Media Analysis Policy Suggestions & Advocacy

Reference Links:

5. Soft Power and Diplomacy: Cultural Influence on Global Politics

Coined by political scientist Joseph Nye Jr., the term “soft power” is how a nation influences others. Instead of resorting to war, it relies on propagating a nation’s values, ideals, and culture internationally to gain goodwill and partners.

Soft power has a direct bearing on a nation’s diplomacy. If you wish to explore how and why, this is one of the best political science project topics for research.


  • Identify cultural elements like art, media, and more
  • Evaluate the Impact of Cultural Soft Power
  • Analyze Cultural Diplomacy Initiatives by Different Countries
  • Identify Cross-Cultural Influences and Shared Values
  • Examine Soft Power’s Role in Conflict Resolution

Research Methods:

Analysis of Cultural Elements Case Studies (Cultural Diplomacy Initiatives)  Surveys on Public Perceptions
Network Analysis of Cultural Exchanges Public Opinion Analysis on Social Media Interviews with Cultural Diplomats
Historical Analysis of Cultural Impact Policy Analysis of Soft Power Strategies Comparative Analysis of Soft Power Indices

Reference Links:

6. Role of  NGOs in Global Governance

From policy-making and human rights advocacy to resolving conflicts and ecology protection, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) strive to make the world a better place to live in.

Prominent examples include Amnesty International, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Greenpeace, Human Rights Watch, CARE International, and Save the Children.

Why not dig into the role the NGOs play in global governance? With the increasing involvement of these organizations in world affairs, it is one of the most relevant political science research topics.


  • Explore NGO Responses to Global Crises
  • Study NGO Advocacy for Human Rights Internationally
  • Assessing How NGOs Influence International Policy, agreements, and more
  • Examine NGO Participation in Global Forums and how they Shape their Agendas

Research Methods:

Content Analysis of NGO Reports Case Studies of NGO Campaigns Interviews with NGO Representatives
Quantitative Analysis of NGO Participation: Comparative Analysis of NGO Engagement Policy Impact Assessment
Network Analysis of NGO Collaborations Surveys on NGO Effectiveness Ethnographic Studies of NGO Fieldwork

Reference Links:

7. Gender Inequality in Political Leadership: A Comparative Analysis

More women in political leadership mean more inclusive and representative democracies. Think of it as a step towards establishing social justice and breaking stereotypes that hold women back. Simply put, the world cannot move forward without giving half of its population their due share. Research tells us that the presence of women in political leadership can influence policymaking.

A comparative analysis of gender inequality in political leadership will help you gain insights into the gender dynamics at play in politics globally. That’s why our experts rate it among the best political science project topics for research.


  • Assess Gender Disparities in Political Positions
  • Analyze Factors Contributing to Gender Inequality
  • Evaluate Policy Impact on Gender Equality
  • Compare Regional and National Trends

Research Methods:

Network Analysis  Longitudinal Studies Intersectional Analysis
Survey Public Perceptions Quantitative Data Analysis Interviews with Political Leaders
Case Studies of Successful Initiatives Comparative Analysis of Electoral Systems Content Analysis of Policies and Legislation

Reference Links:

8. Legislative Responses to Public Health Emergencies

Public health emergencies can crop up anytime, anywhere, taking a toll on lives and livelihoods. After the COVID-19 outbreak, we know it all too well. When these emergencies happen, the governments respond with legislative steps. It boils down to how effectively legislation controls its spread and death toll.

As one of the most relevant and engaging political science research topics, it is your entryway into how different countries manage health crises.


  • Compare Legislative Frameworks
  • Assess Legal Preparedness
  • Analyze Policy Effectiveness
  • Explore Societal Impacts

Research Methods:

Case Studies Longitudinal Studies Policy Impact Assessment
Public Opinion Surveys Legal Database Analysis Ethical and Legal Compliance Review
Interviews with Policymakers Comparative Legal Analysis Comparative Policy Analysis

Reference Links:

9. Climate Change Policy and International Cooperation

Climate change is a fact of life for us all. The United Nations defines it as “long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns” due to natural phenomena and human activities like deforestation and fossil fuel emissions. Since it is a global phenomenon, international cooperation is the only way to deal with it.

You can consider a comparative study of Climate change policy and international cooperation even if are not an environment enthusiast. It is one of the most enriching and transformative political science project ideas for research.


  • Compare Climate Change Policies
  • Assess International Cooperation Efforts
  • Analyze Policy Impact on Emissions Reduction
  • Explore Adaptation Strategies

Research Methods:

Economic Modeling Policy Impact Assessment Legal and Regulatory Analysis
Interviews with Policymakers Legal Database Analysis Network Analysis of International Cooperation
Comparative Policy Analysis Case Studies of International Agreements Quantitative Analysis of Emission Reduction 

Reference Links:

10. Cybersecurity and Election Integrity: Safeguarding Democratic Processes

Free and fair elections are the bedrock of a flourishing democracy. Lately, countries are increasingly relying on digital technologies to carry out elections. That’s where the risk of cyber threats creeps in.

Cyber threats not only steal mandates but also undermine people’s trust in democratic institutions. A study on cybersecurity and elections allows you to create awareness on safeguarding democratic processes.

That’s a reason good enough to include it in our list of the best political science research topics.


  • Assess Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities
  • Analyze Historical Incidents
  • Develop Protective Measures
  • Evaluate Election Integrity Policies

Research Methods:

Policy Analysis Penetration Testing Simulation Exercises
Public Perception Surveys Analysis of Election Technology Impact Assessment of Security Measures
Collaborative International Research Interviews with Cybersecurity Experts Case Studies of Cyber Incidents

Reference Links:


From examining the dynamics of nationalism and globalism to investigating the intricacies of cybersecurity in democratic processes, these research areas reflect the evolving challenges and opportunities within the political landscape. The relevance of topics such as climate change policy, economic inequality, and human rights violations attests to the discipline’s commitment to addressing pressing global issues.